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Search Staff Directory
Christian Espinosa
Coordinator: Community Schools
Allison Gabaldon
Executive Director: Early Childhood
Lynae Garcia
Secretary: Principal Es
Christina Orozco
Manager: Pre-K
Teachers & Librarians
Rosemary Calvo
Teacher: Pre-K
Patricia Eisenzimmer
Teacher: Childfind
Anne-Sophie Fankam
Teacher: Childfind
Tina Gasper
Res Teacher: Indian Ed
Kelly Gurule
Asst: Therapist Occupational
Kevin Hillskemper
Teacher: Itinerant Art
Loraine Ho
Teacher: Itinerant Music
Jennifer Malaney
Res Teacher: Sp Ed/Prof Dev
Bonnie Murphy
Teacher: Childfind
Sheryl Nieto
Res Teacher: Indian Ed
Shelley Rivera
Therapist: Physical
Shelbi Walker
Diane Wisor
Teacher: Pre-K
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Special Education
Veronica Madrid
Educ Asst: Sp Ed Kinder Pre
Christina Mix
Educ Asst: Sp Ed Kinder Pre
Stell Felyn Sala
Sp Ed Classroom Teacher
Educational Assistants
Yessica Garcia
Educ Asst: Health
Veronica Madrid
Educ Asst: Sp Ed Kinder Pre
Roselen Martinez
Educ Asst: Special Ed
Christina Mix
Educ Asst: Sp Ed Kinder Pre
Andrea Montano
Educ Asst: Special Ed
Mirian Rodriguez Cruz
Educ Asst: Special Ed
Jennifer Santillanes
Educ Asst: Special Ed
Iris Amezcua
Kenneth Baker
Custodian: Head <6 Emp/Night
Yessica Garcia
Educ Asst: Health
Celia Gutierrez
Cook/Baker: Class Iv, Fs
Joshua Unale
Custodian: D1